ETH 3-hour forecast. Machine learning.

By Osiris_Finance
Dear colleagues and followers,

We at Osiris Finance are delighted to see you being interested in our posts and forecasts and would like to thank you for all your interaction and feedback. We are working hard to make our systems even more balanced and sophisticated to keep producing more accurate up-to-date forecasts to use in trading or research.

It is quite a peaceful Saturday in terms of events affecting prices and overall media coverage, however today it was announced that Ethereum core developers decided on their regular YouTube meeting August 31 to delay the “Difficulty Bomb” by agreeing to include the code for such a change into the upcoming Constantinople hard fork. One of the prime objectives of the Ethereum Foundation lies in the adoption of a new consensus algorithm - Proof-of-Stake. In order to implement it, the developers came up with a solution called the “Difficulty Bomb,” which makes the production of new blocks more complex and unfavourable. Constantinople is designed to smooth the transition from a Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm to Proof-of-Stake. (Source:

Due to the current sideways trend on the market and the recent correction, no future trades were made since the Osiris team bought ETH for $279.45 on Friday, 21:19, and sold for $281.93 on Saturday, 0:19, generating us 0.85% return.

The following is a scheduled notification from the Osiris team. Our models have been working hard and smart on forecasting the market, and here are the most up-to-date predictions for the next 3 hours:

As usual, red, green and blue rectangles demonstrate predicted values of low, high and close, respectively, with corresponding confidence intervals, and the black arrow illustrates our trades.

High: 284.18
Low: 279.77
Close: 281.13

According to our machine learning models, the system has recommended not to trade within this three-hour period.

Thank you for staying in touch. We are looking forward to your feedback and any suggestions here at TradingView.
3hourBeyond Technical AnalysisCryptocurrencyETHETHUSDforecastmachinelearningosirispredict
