As you can see from the picture above, we have no entered the "point of no return." Screw RSI, screw your favorite twitter TA(such as CryptoChoe who deletes his tweets cause he was wrong and doesn't want to get flamed yet brags and wants attention when he's right with a "BAMMM" There's a reason why Zissou called him out), the best way to look at how the price will move is to see where the sell wall and buy walls are.
The way to do that is on your exchange, zoom out on the prices and see if there are more buy orders at the bottom or at the top. In the past week, the buy orders were strong bottom which to me indicated that the price must move down cause that is where the demand is.
I'm not really dissing RSI but you need to use multiple tools to predict the future. I think analyzing buy or sell walls is undervalued. I mean the best analyst can call me out, but sometimes the best person out there is wrong. Take for example Warren Buffet, sure me made billions, but he thinks crypto is a joke going no where. He's wrong too.
To be honest, what you need is to read a lot of different TA's and don't limit yourself to just one or a few people. Also when someone is critiqueing another person, don't be afraid to listen to "why" that person thinks the other is wrong. In addition, don't put all your faith into one or a few people. Everyone gets it wrong, and we all must lose money, even me. Lastly CryptoChoe is a fraud who wants your money, if he was really on point with his TA game he wouldn't need your money. But we're all in this for money right? The greed is real, we all want Lambos but not all of us are gonna get one. For him and for others to win, people like you need to lose.