Put your money in things you are involved in, or believe in.
Rather than something you hate just for the money.
But the problem with that is people just get overattached and delusional.
Everything is a "revolution", and just because something is new the average investor thinks it makes him invincible.
Every one should know that innovations take a really long time.
People invested, of course they don't put a reasonable amount in, oh noo, they put everything they have, because some braindead lucky boy got insanely lucky.
But the thing is, people need their money at some point, they need to pay for that operation NOW, they need to pay their debt NOW, not in 10 years when their magical bags become worth something.
And people are impatient, reason why everything goes up the way it does in impulses right?
There is a great example at the moment, outside of crypto itself, it is TESLA.
"The cars that require no gaz and will change the world".
In market cycles psychologie I would say TSLA is one step ahead of crypto.
People just love to gamble... and they don't understand how money works.
I have a choice:
A) Risk being the filthy rich "idiot" in the eyes of emotional ignorant people that shorted the future and was so wrong because whatever platform started being used widely (Even thought I never said they ALL had to go to zero and never recover).
B) Maybe being the genius visionary HOBO living on a cardboard dancing for quarters that KNEW the blockchain had a future.
Most people opt for the option that is most accepted by the herd, wouldn't want to be different and not fit in, or worse get ridiculed (by emotional monkeys).