Bearish divergence on ETH?

On the 1 hour chart, there is increasing bearish divergence since yesterday. I'm not making any predictions based on this - simply wanted to let people know of this indication. Ethereum certainly has room to climb, but based on the major gains of the last few days, it also certainly has room to retrace in the short term before making the next push.
Showing some signs of wanting to turn around at 935-945. However, BTC is showing signs of wanting to drop considerably on it's 1 hours chart. When BTC drops significantly, often is brings ETH down with it.... however, we've seen a couple times in the last few days where as soon as BTC starts dropping, the money will rotate over to ETH, bringing it back up. Waiting game now to see which way ETH reacts if BTC drops.
I did put some money in at $940. Climbing for the moment.
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