Previous ATH isn't tested and it looks like it has been front run however there is a market structure break on both 1h and 4h timeframe
It is time to play a bit protective and even if you don't dare shorting ETHUSD it is worth taking profits on the grey boxes
I will consider shorting any weakness in the boxes
Tum zamanlarin en yuksek degeri test edilmeden guzel bir tepki gelmis olmasi son derece olumlu gozukse de, 1 saat ve 4 saatllik zaman dilimlerinde maket yapisinin bozulmus olmasi ETHUSD icin temkinli yaklasmamiz gerektigini dusundurtuyor bana, eger short islem acmaya cesaret edemezseniz bile gerekirse daha pahali almayi goze alarak gri kutullar icerisinde kar almanin mantikli olacagini dusunuyorum
Ben o gri kutular da olusan zayiflik gozlemlersem short islem acacagim