By Dan_Cruise
Weekly Level:
1.The current price is in the 253-302 intensive chip area during the 17-year platform period
2.SMI double line is in the bottom oversold area,there is a certain convergence trend.
3.MACD double line below zero axis ,opening downwards,no slowdown.
4.The current price is close to the Brink's lower trajectory.The Bollinger track has an opening.
5.The price is suppressed by the 5-day moving average,and the selling volume is increasing.
Weekly level: Last week's weekly closing pattern was unfavorable,and the 5-day moving average was suppressed.

3 Days Chart:
1.14th day price Green candle with the lower shadow line,indicating that the short-term has stopped falling; the current price is in the upper limit of the 5-day moving average.
The current price is on the lower edge of the 300-320 intensive chip area;
2.SMI double line is in the bottom oversold area,gold-cross head upturned.
3.MACD double line zero axis below the opening parallel downward.
4.Concerned about the closing of the price,can you break through the 5-day moving average?
3 days chart: Oscillatory.

1 Day Chart:
1.The current price is on the 5-day moving average,and the 5-day moving average is on the top; on the 296-304 intensive chip area; the main resistance above it is around 320.
2.SMI indicators have signs of passivation,need to pay attention to their passivation and dead cross.
3.MACD received a gold-cross opening upwards yesterday;
4.Need to pay attention to the sales volume of the day.
1 day chart: Oscillatory,specifically waiting for the market to confirm the trend.

Technical Indicators
人好,多磨难; 修性,远小人;

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