How to capture chart snapshot in tradingview-telegram alert bot

Hello traders,

In the last video we learnt How to create simple web-hook to send alerts to telegram. In this tutorial, we will try to build a bit more on it and to also include chart snapshots along with plain alert messages.

Webhook code is updated in the replit repository here:

Once, setup, run the repl and capture base URL

⬜ Webhook API

Webhook post request URL format below:

  • jsonRequest - true/false. Set it to true only if you are sending alerts in the form of json. If set to true and the alert message is not in json format, it will throw error
  • tblfmt - Values taken from python library tabulate. Defines how to display the json message in tabular format. Applicable only if jsonRequest is true
  • chart - Chart URL from tradingview for which snapshot need to be captured
  • loginRequired - true/false. Use this only if you are using a private non shared chart for snapshot or if your chart contains invite only scripts which needs to be shown in the chart snapshot.

⬜ Capturing Chart URL

Note: Make sure you create different chart for different instruments which you are trying to get alert. Also make sure your chart is saved and all the indicators are in palce.

⬜ Testing on postman

⬜ Creating the alert

Those having issues with login and screen capture, please fork the repl again and try. I have fixed the login issue.
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