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IMMUTABLE X ( an economic analysis into the beast)

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Hello traders and investors! 👋😃

Good day, and please take a moment, relax and come on this journey with me, where we examine in depth, Immutable X and it's partners. I am limited to my posting abilities for specific graphs/images here on Tradingview, so I HIGHLY recommend that you would please take a look at the link I have provided below, which is word document that goes over everything in greater detail.👌 Everything on this idea is sort of an introduction to the information that is provided in the document.👍!AqTvQ6HsO05llFdB2XTEHU0BN_TD?e=mDlpei

Thank you so much for understanding.. now let's take a dive!!! 🌊🐳🏄‍♂️
*** NOTE ****
We are in the DUES phase of the chart depicted above🆗📈👍

An Economic analysis Into Immutable X/ETH, along with 3 major Play-To-Earn games
A Low Risk/High Profit forecast.

I’d like to start by clarifying that this is strictly an educational idea. This is speculation mixed with fact, and 🛑This is never financial advice🛑.. I’m good at what I do, and not often wrong. But do your own due diligence before making any trade/ big investment.🆗💲💲
In this Idea💭 I’m going to be explaining how Immutable X works🔎🧐, and Its relationship 🤜🤛💱👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻to Ethereum .
We are going to examine play to earn game titles such as:⏬
Epics, Crypto Space Commanders, and of course God’s Unchained Itself. Whilst going over previously mentioned play to earn games, we will examine opportunities for low-risk high-reward profits along the way.🚶‍♂️😃🏕⛺💲
Also, we plan to provide loads of fundamental, and technical confirmations of a huge breakout In games with very expensive NFT’s which will soon be featured together on the Immutable X marketplace. Many of the gains also have multiple tokens.
Immutable X: 🆗✖🆗✖👇
Immutable X was the first1️⃣🎉 layer two scalability engine to be dropped on top of the Ethereum blockchain⛓. It utilizes ZK-Rollups to bundle hundreds of transactions into one single transaction. This single transaction Is deconstructed by smart contracts to verify each transaction individually, using a, “Zero-Knowledge Proof” method for publicly recording transactions on the Ethereum blockchain⛓. The process reduces the amount of computational power required to validate blocks✔⬜.

Immutable X Explained
~Immutable is most widely known from God’s Unchained, their play-to-earn Dapp game.💲🕹🎴
~Immutable X utilizes layer two scalability to provide gas free trades🚙👏🤞, and Instant NFT trades up to 9000 plus TPS~Transactions Per Second.🤯👍
~The Immutable X engine facilitates 600 plus more TPS than other marketplaces on Ethereum .💪
~Since the project uses entirely no tokens💮☪🚫, the protocol cannot be subject to 51% attack or ransom attack ⚔🗡🛡😎
~Immutable partnered up with Starkware last year to make the Immutable X project happen.🗓📌📆
~Prior to Starkware, Immutable had been in development for several years🕘👌 by some of the best😄.
~Currently only the recent Trial Of The Gods expansion of Gods Unchained is listed on the Immutable X Marketplace.👌😮

To quote💬 Immutable X Co-Founder Robbie Ferguson,🧔💭👇👇

“The security of this future world should not be owned by large corporations, venture capitalists, a government or one Individual. It has to be something truly decentralized, owned by the world. That’s why we’ve chosen to scale Ethereum rather than a centralized blockchain”.

So let’s speculate on Vitalik Buterin, and Robbie Ferguson??? : 🆗

I truly wish I had the chance to pick the brains🤔🧠 of such brilliant, well geniuses/revolutionaries👨‍💻👨‍🔬. I often analyze their behavior, so I can determine their incentives. Trying to get into crypto geniuses' heads can be like trying to take the digest of a hash➖9️⃣🔢*️⃣▶5️⃣3️⃣↩↪, and flip It🥴. They are thinking several steps ahead, just as I aim to.. but here goes. It’s not hard to see that the two are pretty tight. I anticipate Vitalik has quite the court going. Now Robbie Ferguson Is a perfectionist, which is a big driving factor in his success. When he says something is going mainnet on a certain date, don’t get It twisted, it will mainnet not a single day early. Good business If you ask me. Yet, Ethereum was over gassed⛽, and got put off several months on another layer 2 scalability engine that was set to drop on the Ethereum Blockchain. Immutable X came out several weeks early.
Right now the Immutable marketplace Is a joke😛🤪 Let me explain.⏬
During Ethereum’s last Bullish Impulsive phase🐮↗, gas fees⛽🚙 were starting to spike pretty hard😬💲👎, It was like a bad acid trip. Vitalik had Incentive to utilize Immutable X assets to help Gwei per transactions come down. Frankly, there Is no doubt In my mind the man runs a tight court. He deserves every bit of It. I dream of being able to donate a billion dollars to people struggling from the pandemic. I wonder how that affected the price of Ethereum? Well, I do know that lately and after a nice healthy correction, gas prices aren’t terrible (at the right time of day.) Conversely, the Immutable X engine Is more congested than I’ve ever seen it to date. I’m willing to bet my stack that Vitalik Buterin Is the type of man that looks out for his court. Things are changing folks, embrace the change, or embrace the suck. To be honest, that’s your prerogative, but big things are In play right now. The Immutable X marketplace release will be timed perfectly, to maximize utility. Understand, that we now sit on the borderline between the DEUS , and COSMOS phases (see chart above📈💹⏫.)

Immutable X line up
This marketplace Is going to be putting together some of the most expensive NFT’s around💥💮🎴🥈. Immutable has a very Impressive line-up of partners. In this Idea we’re going to be focusing on just three1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ of many great titles🤴, because they are the three I know the best. By the way, In the current state of the market people are hitting my price ceiling of layered Trial of the Gods Cards🎴⚔. Instead of raising this ceiling, embracing my inner market maker, I decided to just pull them out of the market completely and Hodl.
I’ll sell them for 100x if Immutable's first expansion genesis taught us anything. Robert Greene asserted In his book Mastery,’ The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” These are some of the titles on Immutable ✖'s lineup :👇👇
Epics GG, Guild of Guardians, High Rise, Gods Unchained, CSC , Illuvium, War Riders, MCH ➕ (My crypto hero's plus)

Let’s check out Crypto Space Commanders🚀🛸, is a supply shortage Imminent😮?

I’m an Economist, I look at things In terms of analytical geometry and the inverse. We are talking about basic supply and demand here in regards to CSC🛸. Some of the ships in the Alpha-phase have sold for upwards 18 ETH💲👏, need I say more?
The point I'm alluding to is CSC has a substantially lower player base than some of the other games going on the Immutable marketplace. The NFT’s in the game are very expensive. That being said, I’ll explain why I’m not asking myself whether these NFT’s are about to go 10x, but If they will surpass 100x. The increase in demand from people flowing into CSC from other Play-to-Earn titles(with higher player base,) will raise the prices. More players In the game means less opportunity for gains. Together, I’m forecasting a supply shortage which will further increase the price of not only CSC NFT’s, but value of their two tokens ( GFC /Galactic federation credits, and GRP/Galactic Reputation Pips.)

The CSC play-to-earn model
In the game🎲🎴, the players mine ore⛏🌑 from asteroids☄🌠, or earn loot from fighting npcs. Additional earnings🤞 can be acquired when you brave fringe space💫🌍🌌 to hit very valuable ore veins, at risk of being destroyed by pirates⚔💂‍♂️🏴‍☠️. Once destroyed in fringe space, you lose all the NFT’s on your ship😥(which could easily amount to a several thousand dollar loss, if you fail to pay attention to detail.) You see, the ore you mine can be refined at a price, which makes it highly valuable. Refined ore💎, is then turned into all the components necessary for crafting anything from ships🛩🛸, weapons🔪🏹💣, armor and even mining equipment. There are different tech levels of equipment with more to be discovered at a price. If you have a bunch of expensive NFT’s like myself, you can have your own refinery, in return, increasing your mining earnings .
Now, you can play this game for free, but there is a 20 dollar💲2️⃣0️⃣ pack available. Purchasing the pack will literally save you days of play, as you grow at an exponential rate. Not extremely exponential, but certainly not linear, or logarithmic. Doesn’t this sound like Eve in it’s Infancy? Serves them right for atrocities the Eve leadership team committed among their players. I would suggest anyone who plays Eve, drop the game promptly💩, and get in on the ground floor of CSC🥰. Earn to play, not pay to earn💃🕺. CSC has a great referral program, however, I won’t be providing my referral link, as this is an educational idea. When you Invite people to join CSC , you will earn whenever they buy anything, even if it’s from you. Getting friends or acquaintances in with your link is an opportunity for affiliate marketers to make grandiose amounts of money🤑😄💲🆗..
They tax you to refine ore, as I previously mentioned. Having the NFT’s💮 to build a refinery🌆🌇 certainly helps.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CSC: ⏩⏩⏩ Please consider looking at the word document above where we have much more content, statistics, imagery, and graphs.🎴🎴

Epics is essentially a fantasy CSGO game. You can play the partly on your phone. While the website Itself Is a much better platform for trading. This Is one of the Play-To-Earn games💲🕹 I recommend to everyone. The value you get from playing It Is very high per unit of time. There are cards dating back to late 2018 in their founders edition. They sell signed cards, and hybrid digital/physical combination sets, like Ether Legends. Epics make their money by the cut they take out of trades, plus the distribution of pack sales, that sell out In minutes. Because the game uses a mint system to classify cards, the value of any card can be substantially different, regardless of rarity. The earlier the pack mint date, the more valuable, let me provide an example!
This Is what we would typically expect to see In a market where lower mints are more valuable. The price rises, with decreasing mints(depicted below.) The prices of these Epic’s cards are moving towards equilibrium. This Is not the norm. The norm Is people not understanding the value of their Mint’s, and selling very low. So I scalp their cards.🐱‍👤😎 So should you. Trading is a zero-sum game🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️.. Don’t ever forget it, or the people that accept the fact there’s someone on the opposite side of every trade, will walk all over you. Don't let that be you!! 😄🤍

More on the whole picture:

Epic’s presents an opportunity for huge gains with little risk, CSC is similar. God’s Unchained is not. Why Is this? Well it’s easiest to explain why Epic’s and CSC are safer. Epic’s would be fine If Immutable X failed, it would be picked up by another layer 2 scalability engine. CSC Is part of Lucid Sight games, who would also land on their feet🤸‍♂️🦶👌. But, It’s Important to understand correlation. God’s Unchained Is very correlational to Immutable X, which Is In turn correlational to Ethereum . I would say the correlational is large right now🤔. If Immutable-X were to fail, Gods Unchained cards would lose substantial value😨.
So, I have to consider the probability of all outcomes🤨😄✏📝. This brings Into question for me, how did Starkware link up with Immutable to make Immutable X🤔💬💭? The reality is, Vitalik ButerIn is clever enough to have made that happen. I mean Gods Unchained is forever engrained in the history👴🧓🕙 of NFT’s🤷‍♂️. It will be talked about like CryptoKitties 😜🐱 in no time.


Let’s start this Gods Unchained overview by mentioning how you can earn now by playing God’s Unchained: First off, every weekend is, “Ranked-Constructed” play, where you can earn free packs for playing🤗. (We have a graph below which describes what you earn, depending on the amount of games you win out of twenty five, as well as your starting rank. As you can see, the more games you win, the higher quantity and quality of cards are earned.🥳 Things get a lot more intense once you reach Mythic level, but you’re gonna need a fairly expensive deck to make that happen. Some of the first expansion Genesis cards that help you to reach Mythic level are crucial🔑, they sell at ridiculous prices though. Graph mentioned previously is listed in comment update (You can find the same graph on the Immutable website, along with a lot of other useful information)

CSC , and Epics which could skyrocket in value any day. Immutable plans to release another expansion as well, they are currently In the process of minting all the cards from the base and genesis set, onto Immutable X. I have several confirmations they are almost done with this; Such as the Mythic draw due to happen any day now, which people who bought Trial Of The Gods cards got raffle tickets for.
Over the past four days, Immutable X has been transacting very slowly compared to the norm🐢⏳⏰. Frankly, in the three games we went over, content release has been held back. CSC hasn’t had a promotion, which they usually do often. Something very big Is coming.. I’d Imagine a lot of games on Immutable X pump hard🐮🆙, making millionaires,💲 no doubt. It’s Important to note God’s Unchained has a good referral program too. Check It out!


Please feel free to comment📝✏💬 , questions 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️❓, good 👍, bad👎, happy 😄 or sad 😪 below in the comment section or contact me directly with any thoughts💭🤔, or questions and let me know what you think about this Idea. Speculate away. 😅😁I bet on Immutable almost a year ago. I hope everyone learned something about some good opportunities to buy the dip In Dapp games with high profit, low risk potential with high probability. Immutable has inspired me to work on my own Play-To-Earn Dapp game, as we have similar taste in games. Follow the upcoming releases from Immutable. I’d Imagine they had some sway In what Dapp games they picked up. I’m getting into pre-alpha no doubt. Thank you so much for considering my take on these 3 games and Immutable X, along with the immense profit potential I personally am noticing here.

Thank you so much!!!☺
Jazerbay 🐶
Gods Unchained chart we mentioned in idea, thank you for understanding
Jazerbay ☯
Animoca brands takes over CSC 2 nights ago. 🌞🌚

What does this mean? 🧐🤔

Let's take a look! 😄⏬

Is it still possible that it gets launched on Immutable X, yes

If not it could get picked up by Polygon sidechain or potentially could be carried over to ETH 2.0 mainnet ( which is set to launch with the Cardano Mainnet in early September or sooner according to the Eth website.
No matter the outcome, this is great news for people that get into CSC at the groundfloor, as Animonica games is very successful, widely known for their game The sandbox, and their investments in Cryptokitties, NBA topshots, and alienworlds.

It is clear that there was a change made literally overnight. They are already fixing some of the in-game issues/glitches that were left untouched by the management of Lucid Sight games for years. CSC is making a comeback and youre not going to want to miss out on this!'The potential for selling valuable Ore/ NFTs in this game is just getting started. We will likely see a boom in the coming days/months as people realize CSC (Crypto Space Commanders,) is a big thing and is here to stay 😅😁🌍🪐🎊⚔🛸

Always a pleasure, Happy trading everyone!

Jazerbay ☯
IMX-USDT fundamentals behind the ticker (PLEASE READ)

IMX the beast


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