By JohnnWick
Hello all that are reading this. As of right now I'm bullish on EURAUD long term. I would like to see the market hit off of the bearish OB that is right by the OTE yellow zone that I have highlighted. It is simply the range from high to recently low where I think we have a high chance of catching a nice sell off. Now if the market does not trade up and just drops to the bullish OB then that can also be taken as a trade idea. So there are two things that can happen here. Any trade idea should be taken with risk management. Also there is news at 9:30 est time for AUD this is once of the reasons why I am trading this pair today. Enjoy and let me know what everyone thinks or would want me to look over.
audBearish PatternsBeyond Technical AnalysisBullish PatternsEURAUDOBorderblockorderblocks
I try to provide as much value as I can per trade idea
