Take this analysis in Following in EUR/GBP

By harisonhbn9718
Hello, in this technical analysis we found out with 2 chartist pattern. Well, we identifiy a ascendent channel + shoulder head shoulder, but we need to confirm this 2 chartist figures, well, the shoulder head shoulder is into the ascedent triangle and this is a potential signal to broke up and continue the trend where to came it. So, the only we following this technical analysis until the broke up the trend, that it's we hope, in the contrary case, we need to make a new technical analysis for there.


In H4 we apprecitate the ascedent triangle!!!


So, in Daily we see a panoramic bullish for this par, because we can see a possible formation of M or a bearish BAT, or M that it's a possible double top in formation in Daily, but if you want to buy into this zone of the ascedent triangle in Daily, know that we are in the re-accumulation zone and the price is want to go up.

Now, the fundamentals what I see is that in EUR/GBP there are a news of that 2 issues in UK. Because UK is in struggles as coronavirus uncertainty dominates their outlook, and a indicator important is that employment, and they be affect the economy to midterm if the UK goes bad and to other hand the EUR it's can be benefitially.

armonicpatternascedenttriangleschartistpatternChart PatternsEURGBPForexHarmonic PatternsshoulderheadshoulderTrend Analysis
