Why EURJPY giving you Long in this downtrend

By Dipak___Z
Details will be posted after my dinner but till befor price moving it is necessary to give you this chart

Will be back keep following this trade
Sorry for previous details but the trade was at point to rise so i left it in hurry but now going to complete it

As I have mentioned the waves in chart .
You could trail it or profit at level with +250 pips with stop loss Risk of 30 pips

to 119.70 .

Sometimes if trades sideways then target gets reduces
accordingly so trail your Profit target
Trade active
Trade active
Reduces stop loss range to 20 pips only because I know it will never gonna hit in this trade and adding further wave on 4 hr chart

Trade active
So EUR JPy on the way Congrats.
Trade closed: stop reached
Stop reached at -20 pips

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