By benny_marshall
- EUR FEATURE currently stands at 1.0540 LEVEL. It's just below the DYNAMIC S / R LEVELS. Also the JPY FEATURE is UP. It stays at 0.0076 LEVEL. The EURJPY PRICE is above the DYNAMIC S / R LEVELS. So most of the time the PRICE can be UP again in the form of STRUCTURE. Then there will be DOWN.

- Currently the SENTIMENT of the OVERALL MARKET is leaning towards the RISK ON. Also the EQUITIES have become a bit GREEN. VIX is getting a bit DOWN. Also COMMODITIES is showing a UP SIDE BIAS right now. MARKETS currently have a NEUTRAL SENTIMENT, but the RISK ON SENTIMENT is too heavy. HIGH BEATA CURRENCIES are also UP going very well.

- EURJPY PRICE can be DOWN to 134.642 LEVEL before UP. After that you can UP up to 140.500 LEVEL. The PRICE will move according to this week's ECONOMIC INDICATOR DATA and MARKET SENTIMENT. The next few days can be a bit important.
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