EURUSD Shorts into Longs!

By abbasa4
I see a quick sell to a buy for EU. The sell will give a quick 1:3% and the buy for a quick 1:5% during todays bank holiday. That's if price triggers us in lets see what happens!
First set up has been triggered just now
First trade smashed Take Profit after some choppy price action due to bank holiday today. 3% banked just now nonetheless.
Waiting for the Long to be triggered its 1.5 pips away lol
Price tapped our entry for Longs... it is a high risk trade so if we take a -1% loss its fine because we just secured +3%.
I could have hedged my long by holding the short at the same time... that would have given me +6% but for the sake of show casing this on here I didn't want to over complicate it for you guys.
-1% loss on the second trade but as discussed before that is covered by the win on the first short trade. So far we up +2% this week! On to the next!
Beyond Technical Analysis
