Economic, sociopolitical, monetary news. Issue No 9.

Crypto heavy this one is. 3 out of 6 about blockchain, 3 out of 5 really I always make 1/6 a useless / just for fun one.

1- Bubba Wallace does not manage to finish the NASCAR All-Star Open race and finishes 21 out of 21.

Here's the for fun one :)
Bubba Wallace that is now famous for being the victim of a door handle which he thought was a racist noose continues to have difficulties racing.
He received a lot of support, alot of attention way more than the podium, and has gotten lucrative contracts for pretending to be black (he is light brown with a caucasian skull).
I'm curious to find out if alot of people bet on him now that he is famous, screwing the odds and giving smart money free money?

That's 21st century US culture. A decade ago cartoons and comedy shows were mocking the "every one is a winner" in schools.
No competition because "it hurts the kids feelings". And now you have losers acting the way they do and even get rewarded for whining and acting like complete victims.
Anyone that thinks this is conductive to progress, to growth, is so delusional it's not even funny. Losers don't create growth.

2- Lagarde calls the Eurozone uncertain & urges UE leaders to keep delaying the inevitable, FED members call for targetting inflation above 2% "to make sure"

Since the renaissance (after the secular decline of the 1300s) in Europe there is a major crisis and wars about every 100 years. China has the same pattern too. Always always it is accompanied by a very big number of deaths.

You can read more about it here:
And here:

Made an idea about past global currencies
The historical major world currencies

Wars change. 1000 years ago I can think of wars as being castle sieges. Lots of mostly naval wars. Then there were the open field wars during Napoleon (isn't that what ancients had too?). Then trench war. Then Blitzkrieg. Then Urban wars (and jungle guerilla wars).
Maybe the current transition war already started and it is an urban & information & cyber war?
Information wars have the weakness of only being efficient on idiots, but fortunately this is the majority of people :)

But ye of course, as usual the people in charge which in our capitalist society are bankers, think they can stop the inevitable.
Or maybe they know they cannot stop it only delay it and they are trying to push it (while making it bigger) to the next generation?

Lagarde to put it in simple words told UE banks to keep the money bazooka active because "it's not yet over" (hahaha!).
A FED president and a governor board member have said that they want to activate the money bazooka to keep the inflation above their 2% target to make sure.
Japan tried this, the magical money ended up in deposits making some bankers very rich, but it was not used so no inflation created.

My guess will be that there won't be big inflation, stocks will go down, and of course debts will get bigger.
But either way some number on a computer don't change what will really happen and that is a depression and major crisis.

3- G7 FATF published a report about So-called StableCoins and they want to regulate those

Since those are attractive to criminals and terrorists to launder their proceeds of crime and finance their terrorist activities, and can get big, and are an obstacle to their banker ran global new world order cryptocurrencies to control the world - oh wait they don't mention that part ;)

They say if I got that correctly that at the time they do not want to create a special entity to oversee those so-called stablecoins but they worry that (as always) they can grow at a very fast pace and they won't be able to react in time (they never do).
Like regulators and politicians ever predict anything. At least they are aware of their pathetic inability to prepare in advance for anything.

Whole report here:

4- Bill Gates, Rockefeller and friends want a centralized cryptocurrency to control money & vaccinate people

I'm tired of these sociopaths. Hey how's Bill Gates genius idea of leaving microsoft to start a new massive business of collecting rare pepe jpegs going?
What a smart visionary guy wow. We should listen to him he created of his own idea the mega multi trillion corporation of images on the internet!
Talk about shame. Should have sticked to his specialty of being at the right place at the right time, stealing others ideas and getting lucky.

A "biometric ID" that contains vaccine info (population reduction remember) and serve as a payment system is soon to be tested in poor regions of Africa (yes I know this is not very specific very funny).

MasterCard that recently banned plenty of right wing people for not being brainless faceless consumers thinks that their power is not big enough, and would like to remove cash completely, so whoever rules the population can have total control.

MasterCard has joined the Gates GAVI alliance (The Vaccine Alliance) in this endeavor.
Planning to continue the work that big communism & socialism promoters Rockefellers started over half a century ago.

This ID testing will allow them to make progress towards their vaccine goals as well as their "World Beyond Cash" goals.
Correct me if I am wrong but their big focus at the moment will be to keep track of covid-19 vaccination.

The worse regions of Africa are plagued with rabies, tuberculosis, flesh eating bacteria, ebola, marburg, smallpox, the dengue fever, diarrhea, malnutrition, so makes perfect sense to spend billions to vaccinate kids against a common cold with a 100% survival rate among children and 99.7% on a population with an average age of 50.

5- Blockchain adoption: Singapore MAS successfully finished tests on crypto prototype Project Ubin

Yet another central bank (Monetary Authority of Singapore) that completes its cryptocurrency tests.

Their blockchain can support several currencies.

They went much further than the french banks that only testing sending and receiving a bond.

They conducted tests in 4 use cases:
- Capital markets. Equities, bonds, loans, and more.
- Trade and Supply Chain Finance. Tracking goods, trade (pay if delivery), using escrows and other fancy words.
- Insurance. They used the blockchain as a slow ineficient database to track insurance information and claims.
- Beyond financial services. Salary: After HR validates hours a smart contract sends payment instructions. As well as automatic advertising.

6- Black man that was applauded for calling whites untermensch compared jews to termites. And doubles down

Some hollywood/media guy violently criticized whites and the crowd cheered, but then he compared jews to termites (lol).
Or maybe it wasn't him calling them termites I don't even know. Nick Cannon is the name.
Every thing he said exactly isn't that important.

The fun part is he said jews had all the power and all sorts of conspiracy theories and then he got fired and cancelled and every thing big display of power xd
I am sure this will change every one mind.
He kneeled and explained why he was wrong and that he was sorry, but I think he doubled down on some of the things he said.

Regardless, now plenty of blacks have said they agreed (unsurprisingly, told you this would happen in my "collapse of the United States" ideas I think).
Blacks that the media pushed towards hating whites and are partially allowed to hold hate speech are getting anti semitic, no one told them they could be racist EXCEPT towards jews, so what did you expect?

This proves the conspiracy theories about all controlling jews are wrong, see?
Because if there was a mastermind jewish conspiracy, no way they'd be as stupid as to shoot themselves in the leg like this.

Jews have been the scapegoats of choice for thousands of years. Every depression, every plague, jews jews jews.
The media used to demonize muslims alot, now it's whites, also blacks being constantly provoked and getting angry could be a scapegoat (if they get alot of reparation money and there is a mighty depression).
So you'd want to bet right now that either whites or blacks will be the scapegoats.
Naaaah. I'll go with the safe bet. What has repeated itself forever, now that's a sound investment. All my chips on jews being persecuted during the great depression of the 2020s.
Don't change a winning team 👍

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