The end of the west is close

By MrRenev
If I had to make a guess I would say Bitcoin will top and crash in June, and the stock market will have its big Niagara falls in September and this will symbolically mark the beginning of the end.
It could happen later, the later it happens the worse it gets.

This info is easy to find, no need to list all my sources.

The population is getting older, and migrants will stop coming to support retirements

Yes the population of Europe is old, and it keeps getting worst.

Until last year, when China made its own economic/monetary zone any attempt at challenge to the USD was crushed. Since the fall of the USSR obviously.



A journalist that read Hilary mails wrote this:

"So do you think it would it be easier for the Obama administration to rally American support behind this 'regime change' by explaining how the French wanted to steal Libya's wealth and maintain French neocolonial influence over Africa - or would Americans respond better to propaganda themes about Gaddafi passing out Viagra to his troops so they could rape more women while his snipers targeted innocent children? Bingo!"

And the truth is always "conspiracy theory". Lmao western public opinion is mentally retarded I swear.

If I am correct back in 2017 Ghana president told france "gtfo" (politely), "we don't want your help anymore" and he explained that african migrants are like italian migrants of the last century, they'll stop running away as the countries grow, and they are growing.

In 2019 the same man called the african diaspora to bring back stolen wealth in front of Macron, called the African-European relation non-natural, and criticized the narrative of "poor desperate people running away for a better life". He reminds that 1/4 of Chinese investments that made it grow into what it became came from chinese migrants, sending money back home.

A link to the official page of the event by french "white house":

Ghana president even said what I've been repeating for long! I love it! "We have to change the narrative about africa, and we can only do it ourselves. We have to get away from the idea that there is a father christmas somewhere that is going to come develop our continent for us." Lmao and tell this to western pro "free stuff".

Ghaddafi got killed for less than this but Akufo-Addo is still breathing.

The numbers are out there, the western population is aging, the working age population is in a downtrend, US & EU are desperate for working and taxpaying migrants.
I'm not sure if this covid lockdown thing made things worse, or if it is creating austerity, people still work and produce but they consume less.

Plus migration is a big ponzi scheme, their children are not integrated at all, all unemployed, and often small time criminals. So you got to bring in even MOAR migrants to also pay for the welfare of the previous migrant's children.

Debt and spending to GDP is ridiculous

As "leftists" have pointed out so much, inequality has been growing in the past ~60 years.
France spends 60% of its fake GDP. It's fake because they add to actual production government spending which produces nothing, they just tax themselves it's not real wealth.
Growth died at least 10 years ago, and what they pretend is growth now is actually just taxing yourself to spend your money and count it twice.
At least the USSR was honest about this...
If it was real wealth, and you know, west Europe was so much stronger than other countries, far above them, why would they need the US to defend them against Russia & Turkey? A vastly greater economy should have no issue defending itself, military power follows even if it is ignored.

You know what is funny about inequality growing in the past 60 years? It is directly correlated to government transfers (you know, of money, like welfare) :)
Of course, masterminds are asking for even MOAR of it! I guess 60 years is not enough time for the info to reach the brain.
60 years ago government transfers in the US represented less than 5% of americans income. In 2020 it has grown steadily (but exponentially) to 30%, ballooned a bit recently.
Now where did I see this number before let me think. Of right! Rome. Rome had no grain future market so prices fluctuated a lot, and the senate/officials bought futures from Egypt and when the price went up too much they covered the difference for those that could not afford bread.
Obviously as always it kept escalating and by 45 BC, 1 year before Caesar death the system was super abused (they'd argue that they had no choice LOL SURE).
30% of Rome was getting free bread (not just the difference in price), Caesar was aware this was just nuts and he cut this number in 2. But this did not save the republic.
Senators that abhorred Caesar and were unable to bipartisan impeach him after he crossed the rubicon, bipartisan stabbed him to death the next year.
And then it all degenerated into a massive civil war and 17 years after his death the Roman Empire was born. GG.

Michael Burry has also drawn parallels with Germany just before Hitler.
Bill Ackman which is famous for being VERY VERY VERY wrong AND stubborn when he is wrong, repeated his short bet like last year, but I think he is too early.
I now have access to american options, I will purchase some puts this summer I think.

China will collect its debts

China has openly panicked about their giant foreign currency bags, they are afraid they go to zero and they got scammed after working for decades.
last year they caused the big downtrend of the USD starting in the summer or even earlier but I think China started selling in summer, the downtrend against their currency is still going.

They cannot do this with the US (who knows though) but with Europe? Haha good luck grandpas. China will send an armada, put their foot on land and say "Can't pay? No problem, we'll take what we want".
They made it abundantly clear they were not going to bend over and let westerners literally scam them out of what was theirs.
They worked and exported for several decades, and they won't just take it with a smile and say "oh well tough luck", the debt owed to China will not magically disappear and let's all forget about it and just go about our day. I can guarentee this.
How delusional?

China will come to Europe, and they will take your monuments, they will take your bridges, they will take your factories, they will take your doctors, they will take your engineers, they will take your gold.

This may sound like a bad movie plot, exagerated or whatever, but it has happened. And it WILL happen.
Hey recently Elliot management vulture-man went to Argentina and tried taking their warships. But he is just a man. China WILL take Europe warships. China is not a solo billionaire dude. They will be able to leave with what they want.
This leads to war but it won't lead to war here, what will pathetic lazy sedentary comfy 60 year old west europeans do? Shut up and submit.

A grim conclusion, but each man for himself, if we prepare we can do well, and let them sort this mess. My destination will be England or North Africa. Good luck liberals.

The west is going to die. And it will all snowball. Their weakining will lead to more weakening. As they decline they won't be able to defend their interest so it will all fall apart.

This is all long term analysing, but what was predictable for decades is now becoming reality. And it might all start accelerating violently this very year.
If you thought 2020 was bad I got news for you...

The west won't be able to continue to enforce their ponzi currency the us dollar. It has even already began in asia. Huge news that went under the radar in maintream.
The west won't be able to continue neo-colonialism and the pillage of Africa.
The west won't be able to continue to spread propaganda.
The west won't be able to continue to suck in working age migrants to support their massive senior population.
The west won't have enough of their own population to be able to support their seniors.
The west will get a lost century like Japan got a lost decade.
The west non native populations will leave & those that stay rebel.
The west will get plundered by China that will take what is rightfully theirs.
The west will degenerate into civil war with the end of democracy as result, I don't know if the next government will be fascists but they will be called fascists.

No matter the turn of events, no matter what miracles happen, in any case there is 0 possibility to support all these old people, and they will die.
It is 100% impossible to give a high standard of living and good medical treatment to so many seniors. It's not socialism versus capitalism here. It's just maths at that point.
This is not sarcasm or an expression, they will DIE, in the literal sense. Like what happens when they get covid, but this will be like 1000 covids. They will DIE. DIE. DIE. DIE.
Those that made children will have kids to take care of them. Those without kids had "their fun" right? They did not want to waste years of their lives right?
Then isn't it normal if they die a few years earlier? Welcome to nature.

The UK might survive while France, Germany, Benelux, and Italy sink into this mess, the UK has always survived. No need to mention Portugal and Spain that are already third world countries.

Ok I will give 2 links.
Japan working age population peaked in 1995, actually over the whole decade.

Japan lost decade was the 90s but we could include the 2000s and with covid some even say "just add 2011-2021 too".

As you can see, the US are peaking now, since 2016:

Europe has peaked before the US.

This open borders desperate policy in the US might buy some time, plus they have workers in China, but will just be "the harder they fall", also when Venezuela (and south american countries) got bad, migrants left, millions just walked home to their original country :)

Japan had no migrant so the fall was soft, the west fall will be much harder.
And also Japanese are disciplined and hard working, french are lazy and always complain and protest, americans too now yet another "democracy" french touch export you're welcome.

France & Germany peaked in early 2010s not sure what source to link there is no clean & zoomed out one, they try to be business friendly but they're only helping multinationals, and alienating the population.

Hehe of course the UK doesn't care, straight line up, no peak, and even more they are projected to keep going up in a sustainable way till 2060!

UK projection:

GG England wins again. France surrenders once again. Germany enters Weimar once again.
Nothing ever changes.
And the US I swear is a mix of the 3 :D
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