The pattern was crossed

By AmiranAzaladze
The pattern triangle which I announced yesterday was crossed. We have strong by signal on EUR USD trading instrument. We can buy ! BUT, be careful and read more news, this week fundamental analysis is very crucial, on Friday we have Non-Farm Employment change and before that news we may have a divergence and fake technical signals.

Here you can fined more information about Non-farm Employment Change

Nonfarm Payroll
What is 'Nonfarm Payroll'
Nonfarm payroll is a term used in the U.S. to refer to any job with the exception of farm work, unincorporated self-employment and employment by private households, nonprofit organizations and the military and intelligence agencies. Proprietors are also excluded. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics releases closely followed monthly data on nonfarm payrolls as part of its Employment Situation Report. The headline figure—the change in the total number of nonfarm payrolls compared to the previous month—is used as a gauge of economic health.

In January 2018, preliminary data for the prior month of December 2017 showed that nonfarm payrolls rose by 148,000, on a seasonally adjusted basis, to 148.3 million. The change marked 87 straight months of job growth since October 2010. Nonfarm payrolls rose by 252,000 in November 2017 (also preliminary) and 155,000 in December 2016.

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Amiran Azaladze
CEO at Saqs Investment
whats app: +995 593758310
