The Euro Dollar

**Welcome, first I want to personally thank you for taking you time to read what I am about to share with you. These ideas I am publishing come from my view of the market as any other trade influencer out there. It's important to understand that as humans, we possess the possibility of sharing information, and are known to adapt to correct feedbacks of information and disregard what we perceive as being false/wrong information. I want to begin with this fact. The market is designed for neither of you or me to be right or wrong. The market is designed to move money from one source to another. That's all. There is nothing more to that fact. Understand this fact at it is vital for this publication.**

The Euro Dollar has been on a downtrend, 4H chart, since July 13. Although many attempts have been seen throughout the last couple of weeks of bullish pressure entering the market in an attempt to rebound prices. They, unfortunately, have failed. This is obvious. Without looking at indicators, take a shot at the 4H chart on the EUR USD. What do you see? The correct answer is what I just have mentioned. Now, this is nothing I have made up or predicted, however, everyone in the whole wide world who has access to a 4H chart can clear as day see this downtrend (As suppose you are right now). But this downtrend is subject to reversal! I know some of you may be thinking just that, however, and hear me out. How certain are you that the price will reverse just because an indicator is advising you it will? Are you sure you are using the indicator in a correctness. Well, for starts, an indicator can only provide you information on what others are doing, and not where the market is actually going.

Yeah I know, it sucks. Well its the truth. I'm not saying use or don't use them, I'm just advising you of the fact, just like you can see the downtrend on the 4H. And the fact is that INDICATORS CAN NOT show you where the market is going. If they did, well... they'd all work. Period.

What I can tell you is, is that the market itself is telling you what its doing. The market is going down, bottom, low, whatever you want to call it but its doing this ( \ ) not ( / ). Those are suppose to be trend lines, I know terrible. Anyhow, the MARKET is telling you what to do. Its telling you hey bud I'm going down, whether you like it or not, its going DOWN! Now it may choose to go up tomorrow, or in the next couple of weeks, and that's cool and all because good traders would at that point cut their losses and follow the trend upwards, assuming they haven't opened a YOLO 100X margin trade on a $300 account.

See. Its really that simple. Market tells you its going down, you go with it, obviously protecting yourself from when it decides to go back up and vice versa. I hope you found this simple idea with meaning, because honestly, the markets are that simple. You can only BUY or SELL, don't over complicate that fact as a retail trader.

Good Luck
100Bearish PatternsBullish PatternsEURUSDLONGmoneyprofitshorttrendTrend Analysis
