Boy I hate using metrader on the phone. Well it's not that bad on the S9+. I just hate the autoscreen, same on TV it scales auto every time you open a new chart.

I don't know how high it could get before going down, if it goes down.

I feel bad taking advantage of investors losing money HAHAHAHA just kidding hope it falls hard, while it does I will try finding a few bagholder quotes for a good laugh.

Inb4 stop lossed in 30 minutes.
Time to get drunk and have a several days coma,
because it will take a few days to know how this trade turns out.

Idk if I can handle this, it takes too long...
Don't think I have the temper for holding several days.

Idc this trade is sponsored by XM there's a bonus for depositing money they're going to give me a few grans for free, until the 1rst august when the euro "don't offer any trading benefits" rule enters into effect.
Better gamble it all till the dumb rules makes my free money go away.

I need a distraction. Halp. I need to take MOAR trades.
Where is my $1500 deposit bonus... -.-

Really curious to see what happens if it goes to 50.50 and really looking forward to day open.

When market opens I better change my order and overcut it a bit I guess huh.
Yessss that's right go down, oh baby make daddy rich!


Unsure if I should hunt for more trades or just wait till tomorrow :/
Ye let's make sure everything goes well and tomorrow I will hunt for more hehehe.
Won't wait more than 1 day thought, because as Mr Krabs would say
"If you're wasting time, you're wasting money... and that's just sick."
Money money money.
Trade closed: stop reached
Aaaaaaand stopped!
Exactly what I thought would happen, happened.
I do not want to swing trade stocks anymore.
Going to focus on FX & Futures, stocks I will watch later, I have research to do and if I do it now I feel I will puke.
If I trade stocks will probably be intra day.
This just shows how incredibly retarded the SEC rules are for non-monkeys lol.
Log update.
Gosh I HATE swing trading.
Crypto stocks same story, I make huge gains on trades that lasted 1-50 hours, and any time I go for the monkey recommended swing trade strat "Oh trust me it's great short term is sooo risky" I get unlucky and take a 3% loss. Ye great tip guys, why don't you go commit mass suicide the world does not need you?
Plus you got to wait 1 million years. I don't get it it's so dumb. The only advantage is for suckers that suck very hard aim for 55% winrate "it's ok go for big risk to reward" and struggle to add more than 3 numbers.

Only way to go for a full EW over several days/week is go for 100% entry lock in profit and leave some in ride the wave. Anything else is suboptimal and gamble "it's ok my losers are small my winners are big I struggled at math in school it was too complicated".

Going to check this out when I am bored:

And practice it a while without bothering doing research, just let my high IQ see patterns on its own and come up with a 95% system with 0 effort.
WTF man.

"Day trading is extremely hard several computers are required, the amount of risk is incredibly high, you are better off holding overnight" HAHAHAHA.

I have seen enough, the only 2 main legit ways to make money with stocks are:

- value investing
- abusing noobs panic selling and fomoing

It can be very profitable, but I think I'll pass, I prefer to master futures & forex and get complacent, than go try hard & learn yet another asset class design yet another system...

Maybe crypto will come back to life too and all the time I spent analysing it won't be wasted.

Lmao so many people getting 1000% ROI in a year trading OTC...
FASTfastenalFibonacciMoving AveragesSupport and Resistance

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