Sell Facebook before the news is out

I'm short FB with $89 puts that expire in few weeks, $87.5 puts that expire in August and whole assortment of other FB puts. IMO this is like trading with inside information, the news is available, but hidden well in Facebooks last 10K filing in January 2015. FB says " We are being examined by the IRS" in that filing. They also say "We are unable to estimate the full range of possible adjustments" At issue is a tax loss carryforward tax credits that FB has taken but not eligible for. Evidently the IRS code says that a tax loss carry forward cannot be transferred if ownership of a corporation changes by over 50%. That happened to Facebook when it went public. So far FB has taken tax credits on $3 Billion of a $7 Billion tax loss carryforward which will be denied by the IRS. FB profits will turn into losses when FB has to restate earnings. You can find this information hidden in Notes to Financial Statements in the Income Tax section of the 10K. Technically FB indicates a sell by the Stochastic indicator and other indicators on a daily chart. The fundamental news outweighs all the technical indicators imo. Sell Facebook ASAP. Stop loss at $89.50
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