Purple line is the median US family income in USD in real terms (corrected for inflation).
The red shaded areas are official inflation periods as given by Wikipedia. The USA defines a recessions as "a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sale".
Labour costs represent the greatest overheads for companies so it makes sense that when the economy is growing (inflationary), income goes up. Likewise when the economy contracts (deflationary), income will decrease due to reduced hours or other performance-related income loss.
As you can see real income was deflected at the resistance at the end of December 2016: that's right about the time Trump was elected. So in real terms, American families are already much worse off under him: I guess blame it on Obama, right?
How long will this recession last? I don't think I would bet against this downtrend right now.