
FTSE 100 Doomed for Failure!

The Pound Flash Crash is being blamed on those faulty algorithms again. I believe this to be Utter Bo***cks, the Computers saw the major flaw in the economy and tried to off load too quickly. Computers don't act on emotion they only act on numbers and currently the numbers don't add up.
But we the Investors need to take a long deep and stern look at ourselves in the mirror, and come to the ultimate realisation that nobody out there wants us too succeed, and all the information we receive is doctored to hold us back from the underlying truth. In the words of the great Genghis Khan "Lie to me once shame on you, Lie to me twice shame on me".
Now for the Facts it does not benefit international companies, who are valued in sterling that the Dollar is gaining strength Vs the Pound.
If companies are going to get more trade because the Dollar is stronger, this only means they are selling their products for less monetary value than they was previously.
Now for consumers that travel abroad they are going to be 20% worse off, than they was the previous year. Not to mention the fact that when we buy products overseas, we will be paying more pounds than the previous year also. Thus making the individual consumer worse off than before. Also this will slow trade within the UK, thus making the Corporations that seem to be doing so well on the FTSE 100 "at the moment may i say", lose Revenue over the next 12 months. That is going to bring their share prices down drastically.
Also if the Pound keeps falling companies for example that are worth 1 billion pounds, that would have costed an American investor 2.1 Billion dollars in 2007. Can now be purchased for the Measly sum of 1.2 Billion Dollars and given the fact that most of the FTSE 100 companies have increased revenues over 25% since 2007. Something seems wrong with this ideology if you get better over time, and increase sales and revenue. Should you be worth 20% less to an american investor?

My advice is too get off the rollercoaster that is sky rocketing and start selling Short the FTSE 100.
We are heading for a Crash!

Marvin Soames
