FunFair (FUN) Targets:
(1) 425 *** TARGET REACHED @ 420 ***
(2) 680 *** TARGET REACHED on 30th December ***
(3) 815 *** NEXT TARGET ***
(4) 970
(5) 1190
I love this trade. We have been waiting on this one since December the 12, when we opened this trade. If you had patient and held your coins, regardless of "crashes", Bitcoin or what not, after only just 2+ weeks, you can be looking at 300-400% profits.
This is not theory nor an example, this is the percentage that the price has increased since we opened this trade 2 weeks and a half ago.
So we go back again, and call that little virtue, to remember those that love to wait. Patience my friend, that's how you win in this game.
Alan Masters here, Namaste.