Why its SO important to stay DISCIPLINED!!!

By PateSkpate
Here is a great example on why it's so important to stick to your plan and follow your rules 100%!

GBPAUD 60min Bear TCT: Notes are on the chart

Would you have been disciplined enough to watch the market get 99.9% to Target #1 and sit through a 150 Pip Reversal and losing half of your profits? Then watch the market come down and Double Bottom just ahead of Target #1. Seeing a Bullish Hammer at the Double Bottom?

If you did have enough Discipline/Focus then you would have been rewarded with a lot of Pips!

In these situations I always remember what my Mentor preaches... "It's all about Process over Outcome". What this means is that it's not about the money or pips you make but its about your process of trading. Will you follow your Trading Plan that you have backtested? Will you stay Disciplined? Will you stay Focused? Will you forget about the money and just focus on the Process!!!???

If you can then you will be that much closer to succeeding in this business!!

Happy Trading :)
60mindisciplinefocusGBPAUDgbpaudshortswingtradingTCTtradeideaTrading Psychology
