100 PUBLISHED TRADES - Statistics

By AGold54
Today I published my 100th trade idea. (this excludes educational idea’s)
Here are the quick Stats:
WINS : 49
Losses: 14
Flat trades: 8
Cancelled Trades: 29
PIPS Won: 2,560
Pips lost: 515
A 3.5 to 1 win to loss ratio
A 4.97 to 1 win to loss Pip ratio

*Cancelled Trades: these are trades that were cancelled prior to entry. It is important to understand that I only want High probability trades with good to Great RRR. If market conditions change after the idea has been posted but prior to being triggered, and it no longer meets that criteria, then I cancel the trade. I believe sitting on the sideline IS a position. Some of these trades would have lost, some would have won but I rather just not be in the market.

I would appreciate if you let me know what you think and a like.

consistencyhowtobesuccessfulhowtowinichimokukinkohyoichimoku_traderRisk ManagementTrading PlanTrading Psychology
