Drawn on the chart we have a key monthly support and resistance level ( been used as resistance in this chart ) On the monthly chart this level has been respected and touched the past 4 months... Get the chart up yourself and check you lazy bas#a'rds haha, You can also see this key monthly level has been respected on this chart ( 4H )

Now you can see why it is so important to check other timeframes once you have drawn these key levels on, Because the more timeframes your levels are respected on then the stronger setup it is!

Simplicity really is key to success in trading, all these so called gurus put charts out there that look like they blew up a paint factory, this is because they want to confuse people and make them think you have to be clever ( I'm living proof this isn't true haha ) and put 20 years practise in before you start seeing returns, And also if people believe this bull#h't they are more likely to buy there services when really it is probably just some lad from a shitty council estate who lives in his mums basement and hasn't got a clue about trading and the only support line he knows is the addicted to wa#nk'ng support line his mother makes him call once a week.
Beyond Technical AnalysiseducacioneducacionaleducationeducationaleducationalposteducationalpostseducationaltradeGBPJPYgbpjpyanalysisTechnical IndicatorsTrend Analysis
