Types of Stop Loss

Money Stop

Definition: A trader sets a fixed amount they are willing to lose on a trade, for example, £20.
Issue: This approach often leads to larger losses because it doesn’t align with market movements.
Advice: Avoid using the money stop.

Time Stop

Definition: Used mainly by scalpers, this involves closing a trade if it doesn't move in the expected direction within a set time frame (e.g., 4-8 bars).
Key Point: It requires discipline to adhere to the set time limit.
Advice: Suitable for scalpers.

Technical Stop Loss

Definition: Based on price movements and market structure, this is the most effective stop loss for technical traders.
Initial Stop Loss: Set at the entry of a new position, usually at a momentum high or low. The trade remains valid as long as the price doesn't reach this point.
Technical Trailing Stop: Used to protect gains on a winning trade. As the price moves in your favor, adjust the stop to a new structure point that, if reached, invalidates the trade.
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