Eco/monetary news n°32

> Dividends and buybacks are coming back in the United States and Europe

Europe allowed companies to resume dividends and buybacks in December 2020 but they set limits and the ECB "ECB calls on banks to refrain from or limit dividends until 30 September 2021". They might have eased it but I cannot find a source, I just know that Banque of France president was agreeing a few weeks ago with people calling for the end of restrictions. otherwise it will be by September.

The United States, this week, allowed buyback programs to resume. The Nasdaq website has a 1 line article about it but only about banks. Seriously it's hard to find sources about the subject. Some would call me a conspiracy theorist. I get called so when I have ample proof so here...
In any case companies are apparently sitting on a pile of cash and the stock market has rallied without buybacks, the biggest price support of the last 10 years, and companies have put their "buybacking" to the side for over a whole year. When that money pours in... It's going to create an upwards storm. Haha and to think 85% of FXCM clients are still short, and are actually adding now that the price is going higher!
I do not think they know the IQS of their clients, but could we ask them their socio-economic background? Journalists, sociology and economics college professors, boomer state worker leeching taxpayer money, burger flippers and unemployed welfare recipients?

> Record everything in stock markets including retail fomo & fx traders short selling

While FX brokers continue to publish their short term traders positions which are around 85% short, the S&P 500 breaks record after record.
Yesterday the S&P 500 was at its highest level in history, again. According to TD Ameritrade saw the biggest influx in investors ever, it started recording it in 2010. According to Bloomberg the indice had a record run, the longest streak since 1997, and retail investors poured in. "Whether they'll stick around when volatility inevitably resurfaces remains to be seen". I already know the answer to that question.

The New York FED "Expectations of higher stock prices" number is at its average of 40% close to where it has almost always been for the last 7 years. Investors are worried about a covid wave and I think that's all. They can always panic sell on the way, but if something real happens, by the time it reaches the donkeys brains I'd have sold long ago.

> Western politicians are refusing to return their covid emergency powers

Several politicians have declared they had no plans, or saw no reason, to relinquish their emergency covid powers.
The same, and others, have also ignored CDC guidelines as well as the WHO recommendations about re-opening and granting freedoms.
Noooo how could be possibly have seen this coming? There was absolutely no way to predict this would happen!

It's only going to get worse. Look at Ivory Coast investors ~20 years ago. I think they invested in the sugar industry a lot.
I think investors in the UK take into account this kind of risk, but US, French, and probably Germans too have an ideology and separate politics from economics. And they're always all in complete denial. Well, just wait and see. Better keep an eye open for certain keywords "outlaw buybacks", "capital controls" and so on. You want to get out BEFORE.

> Turkey central bank governor found to have copy pasted central bank report in his thesis

I am crying. The previous governor got replaced after hiking interest rates from 17 to 19% in the pyramid scheme country, something Erdogan dislikes because it gets in the way of him stealing the people's money to pretend there is growth.
So the new guy took office Şahap Kavcıoğlu, and a few weeks later he ends up under investigation because they found this irl griefer shamelessly copy pasted, in his thesis in 2003, entire blocks from a central bank report of 2001.

You know when I copy paste bloomberg first I only take a sentence, then whether I copy paste the whole thing or write it with my own words I say "according to Bloomberg" or something. This guy takes entire sections with no source whatsoever and just claims it as his own "oh boy that was some hard work".

It's not the first time! A previous governor, in 2019, faced similar accusations.
Can you guess what he hadn't done his own research on and simply copy pasted? The part about INFLATION TARGETING. I am actually crying.

> ECB aims for 2 percent inflation target and focusses on changing climate change

When asked if they wanted to allow it to go higher because it was below target for a while they mumbled something incoherent.
Are they following the FED & Yellen guidelines? No one knows. They are in a sea of lies they don't even know themselves anymore.
All I can say is we will see. The USA still want to fight a stock market crash because Hitler and Germany wants to fight inflation because Hitler and the ECB continues to pull away from the post-war Bundesbank dogma. There are hints they are open to "easy money" and no surprise here German officials think so.

Hey, let me quote from Bloomberg: "Officials from Germany in particular [...] easy money that undermined the postwar inflation-fighting [...] on which the ECB was modeled as a condition for the country’s participation in the euro.""
After Brexit and before Frexit (cucks) Germanyxit? Diverging visions, goals, and interests.
I think the Brussels unelected globalist ideologists want to fire the money bazookas with the USA, but the Germans still don't want that.

And since the EU is (now) centered around France-Germany plus Germany is a huge net contributor.
Without the UK, Germany is responsible for HALF of the net contributions to Europe, with the UK 41%.
By 2011 France (nb 2) "only" contributed for 17% (104 billion), lol 104 billion, they did more than half that in 2020 alone.
The covid EU budget was one of the greatest "redistribution of wealth" in history, directly from german and french workers to EU unemployed.
By 2011 Italy contributed a significant 12% but I doubt this is the case anymore.
By allowing their country to get destroyed one may say they contributed 100%.
The UK cut their losses just in time, while France & Germany will be the suckers for the rest of eternity.
Meanwhile Romania and Slovenia have better or close to as good standards of living.
Hey, and these astonishing net contributions are GIFTS. Does not take into account the hundreds of billions in "loans" the 2 pigeons have made to countries like Greece that will NEVER pay back. I'm dying 🤣

> Yay crypto adoption: China shuts down yet more digital currency competition

Man I told these Bitcoin donkeys countries would never adopt their risible ponzis and would just make their own digital currencies.
What do they have in the head seriously? Paté?

In a statement on July 6, the PBoC announced it ordered Beijing Qudao Cultural Development, a firm providing crypto trading software, to shut down its operations.
Ah but this is anecdotal, and surely these guys were doing something fishy right? Doesn't prove anything. Yup. They were doing something fishy.
Here is the reason given as to why they got shut down *clears throat* "suspicions of being involved in crypto-related trading" (he proudly said).

There is no interpretation possible, they could not be more clear. I wonder how crypto gamblers will weasel themselves out of that one.

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