$GBPUSD - Sell Side Liquidity at -1 Standard Dev. *SMT*

By BodiesXWix
\*SMT* = Smart Money Theory = everything you think that is not retail related to trading. First, SMT does not believe that triangles, wedges , trendlines , channels, harmonics, etc. has any effect on how price reacts. I'm Sorry, but you won't convince me that Bitcoin knows it has created a triangle and that it knows how to react from that? It does and will remember price levels, that's it. The second is to recognize that the price is not random, it is set by an algorithm controlled by those that control the asset. The Third thing to remember is price will move toward attacking where there is Liquidity (Equal Highs, Equal Lows, phantom Trendlines etc.) and Balance (Fair Value Gaps, Liquidity Voids.) That's the basics. The rest is very unique in the vocabulary you need to have and the concepts that wrap around these ideas.*

Asian Session Lesson - Doesn't always happen but I believe the way it is forming it will. During the Asian Session the high of that session did break a high from last asian session. If you box in the asian session and draw out the deviations, (1x, 1.5x, 2x, etc. you might find some confluences. Also take note of the opening price at midnight (1.14320). If you notice the rere are equal lows below the current price. Which is where the liquidity lies, where retail traders place their buy limits and sell stops. Usuaully when you see this after an asian session the price will rise during the London session to get you to believe that it's going to continue the trend.

However, what smart Money usually does, is they will find a point that may bne higher than the high but usually at a bearish order block near the high or deviation. This is where the Judas swing comes into play. And this will have most retail traders buying into that high. Could drop a little at first ti get even with the current even lows or drop just a little below them. The rise up during London Session, above NY Opening price, That's when you expect price to hit the bearish order block somewhere and start to drop on the other side of the price of hte new york open. In my educated smart money guess, it would het just above the current high and then start plummeting as soon as London is about to slow down 4 am ish. 6 am you see it pixk back up and move up into a breaker or a bearish order block it formed , and fall harderpast the equal lows probably to the -1.5x deviation of the Asion Session, Aroun 1.13200

Here's my two guesses on one chart. Let's see if that's wut Smart Money Wants to do.

If it even wants to do that at all. I could be wrong and it just go straight up through the liquidity above. But the equal lows have me against that. Price 1 Attacks Liquidity and 2 Moves towards imbalances

I had to add another chart because I have people that follow me that say my numbers are too small so I made one that a=had big numbers for them and it was more focused on the area. I'll update as it goes on when I can. It already looks like price is swinging up though


There's a smart Money Lesson for the day

Good Luck and Happy Trading

Bodies X Wix

Trade active
Called it so far. Entered AT 1.149, just npw starting to get my prorfits goig
End of the U.K. Sessiojn and I pulled off 55 pips. at 75%. Might be able to get to at least equal bottoms.
Londons about to close so I made a added more to my position at 1.1417.It Almost doubled what I started with after I took off that 76 % Just waiting for it to reach a little further under neath those lows or near them
Trade closed manually
The trade was closed a while ago. But I'm working on tomorrow since their alot of FOKMC info coming out. I would honestly stay out of the charts after noon tomorrow. Bu IO think a dip down to the equal lows near the announcements then a spike up taking out current highs then falling back down and contnuihng to go down.
That's how i would confuse ijnvestors
I ended up with over 120 pips between two positions on that one trade, just fyi
asiansessionBeyond Technical AnalysisCandlestick AnalysisCOTGBPUSDgbpusdshortictinstitutionaltradingPivot Pointssmartmoneystudent
You're either trading with Smart Money Theory or your just burning your money money. Believe me, I've been there.
