US President Joe Biden's administration is
concerned that lsrael is trying to provoke a
war in Lebanon, causing it to risk becoming
a regional war, Axios news portal cited
sOurcesS as saying.
"Some in the Biden administration are
concerned that Israel is trying to provoke
(Lebanese Shiite movement) Hezbollah and
create a pretext for a larger war in Lebanon
that risks drawing in the US and other
countries conflict", - the news said.
According to sources, US Defense
Secretary Lloyd Austin in a phone
conversation last week with his lsraeli
counterpart Yoav Gallant expressed
concern about lsrael's role in escalating
tensions with Lebanon.
An lsraeli army soldier advances during an
exercise at a position in Israel's northern
Galilee region near the border with Lebanon
- Sputnik Vietnam, 1920, November 12,
Palestinian-lsraeli conflict tensions
Israel wages a war of attrition in southern
According to this news portal, Mr. Austin's
message reflects growing concerns in the
White House that Israel's military actions in
Lebanon are increasing tensions along the
border and risk leading to a war. paintings
on a regional scale.
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