GBP/USD Long Term Trade Opportunity

By austinlmkc
GBP/USD broke its 1st major resistance level and may soon be on its way to breaking another resistance level. The US Dollar is at a weak point right now but the GBP is looking healthy. Future economic news could push the U.S. Dollar further down and GBP well much higher. You might want to keep an eye out for this pair; I see a lot of good opportunities coming.

P.S. I created a key so that you can reference my line work and understand the fundamental part that each one plays.

I apologize for not being too elaborate on this post but it is currently 12:06 GMT and I have work tomorrow. Anyways good look trader, and feel free to ask a question if you need help conceptualizing any of my content.
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsgbousdlongtermTechnical AnalysistradeideatradertradingviewTrend AnalysisTrend Line Break
