HEADER - If I could choose one moment in my life to bet on, it is one. I've made no secret that I've been all-in since February 1st. If you are still not in, it's not too late. This thing is not going to take a break until clear 2025 or higher.
IRL RATIOS: Chart above is ratio 9/16 for 30-min bar (zoom-able for 15min, 30min, 1h, 2H , 4H, 8H). If you have custom bars, use ratio 9/17 for 32-min bar (zoom-able for 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16- 32, 64-, and 128-min bars; have not tested for 256- and so on...)
DIRECTIONS - Upload IRL from my scripts page because it can NOT be searched for. Add to your favorites, and then you can add it to your chart. Click settings icon, change ratio to stated ratio above and turn on Regressive Bands (if you want). Even though directions for IRL are only 60% completed (they are in the comments for that script), that's more than enough for you to apply it usefully. Please read directions first. In my charts, I try to match extension regression lines to its correct colors along with D+# labels. When I don't have time for that, D+# LABELS ALWAYS TAKE PRECEDENT.
SUMMARY - This is it. This is the moment. This is the time to be long gold.
DETAILS - This chart is focus on D10, D11, D12 and D13 which are 6-day, 3-day, 36H and 18H regressive curve waves. The highlighted path should nail this one like college freshman.