GC - GOLD GLD - Finds Demand

By HK_L61
Whoo Hoo, only managed to drop $140 form where I was being told it was a Buy.

Yeah, nw, wrong again.

Peter, Lynette, Dave and crew can continue to wank the Bugs, it's healthy.

10year pulling back with DX will provide some taiwinds for the Yellow Dawg.


Ultimately Uncle Kook will be coming for it.

Plan for it.

Toe Stibs and Door Stops.. useless in Economc Colapse.

COT Lined up against the noobs, althoguh less so.

Thye'll be back, they always come back.
Chart PatternsGCGoldTechnical IndicatorsMetalspreciousmetalsSIsilveerTrend Analysis
