daily view for april :dollar go up impact on gold will ease

save in your mind this 2 very important target =1800 and 1850

1800 is daily Ema200 and 1850 is fibo 61%(gold love pull back to fibo 61%, fibo 61% and 161% are most important level on gold,silver,many instruments like dow,dax)

we belive when AC (or stochastic 5.3.3) turn green ,gold will explode up
yes,gold 20% possible can go down but if gold 50$ go down will undo up 100$ !!!! see weekly chart from 1950 ,for this we advice stand on buy side https://prnt.sc/10xlh7i

if gold can go down,we dont pick sell,in above 1630 we will pick buy to hold 3-4 week (for close 1920)

for next days technical say gold will go up , put buystop on trend +buystop 15 min chart las high(sl in last low) is exclent stratgy until 1850$
Fundamental Analysisgold_stratgyTechnical Indicators
