Last Thursday (05-03-2015) I have signalised that the Dax30 (Ger30) is about to complete a small 1,2,3,4,5 wave (red) and a medium 3 (green). Target was 11.658 - actual high was 11.599. Based on that consider the red 5 and green 3 as completed.
Next on the agenda is the green 4 and, obviously, the green 5, which will also be the blue 3. I expect the green 4 to be completed somewhen next week (11.200 must not be underpriced), which will automatically activate a new target (for green 5 and blue 3) of around 11.700.
The long position I have opened on Thursday have been closed in profit (11.568) in all my accounts. I will wait for a new entry level and trade the green 5 (blue 3).