Long GME @ 20.xx+ - Turnaround of business

By trilliondollar
Good place to buy. Broke out of channel and retested

- Expecting positive upcoming q1 earnings (Apr) with recent PS5 and Xbox console sales. Console release normally boost sales over a period of 1 year.
- Nintendo switch 2 maybe coming in 2021
- Overly shorted, way undervalued based on their cash and revenue, potential short squeeze candidate
- Sufficient cash with almost no risk of bankruptcy
- Turnaround of business model with potential takeover from Ryan Cohen
- Booming gaming sector with potential to associate with e-sports
- Good branding and existing customer base and memberships
- Gradual covid recovery boost to brick-and-mortar

Target 1: $32
Target 2: $47
Target 3 (Short Squeeze): TBD
Remain bullish as long as it stays in the ascending channel
Target 1 reached: Take a small amount of profits

Looking very positive with strong news that will strengthen the company in the long run. Ryan Cohen + 2 for board of director and holiday sales. More squeeze to come through
Expecting a huge week ahead. Current price $35.50.
Current price $370
Fundamental AnalysisTrend AnalysisValue
