196 is next resistance for GME

By testmuffin13
196 was the high in April, so that is near term target.

2 days closing green over 180 after not being able to break it for 3 weeks is very positive.

Tomorrow is T-21 from 4/20, that was a big drop day with 4.7 million volume which means up to 2.9 million shares shorted at 62.2% SI that day.

Its possible a large portion of those shares need to be covered tomorrow which is probably why GME was attempted to be dropped so hard today.

I know were all waiting for the big spike day, me too.

I am not sure we will see a big spike day until a big player gives up and covers or is actually margin called.

As long as the price continues to increase that margin pressure will continue to mount.

Hang in there!
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