GME - Holy Moly!!!

By Akksujean
GME - Strap on the moon boots boyz - here is the rip!! GME over $140 in AH action tonight!! Finding a little resistance in this area from past intermediate lows.

However with volume coming back in mass today, the OBV oscillator uptick is highest reading since last true bull run back in June 2021.

Over 15 mil shares traded today (5x normal daily) and nearly half of it was still trapped in Dark Pools

Bullish RSI indicator flashing well above neutral line on the daily but plenty of room to run to the upside from here. On the 4 hr chart (shown) the RSI is engorged beyond any previous print ever! - and appears ready to ROCK even higher. MACD leader indicator about to go straight up vertical = bullish price action RIGHT NOW! Borrow rates are sky rocketing tonight and shorts are toasted.

With RC adding 100K shares per recent filings that were released after market close today = Expecting a gap up tomorrow morning pre-market on FOMO energy.


Not financial advice.

Beyond Technical AnalysisBOOMChart PatternsGMEGOTechnical Indicators
