A golden cross is the opposite of a death cross which is a bullish sign. The 50 dma is crossing UP through the 200dma. It's getting close short term overbought, any pullbacks are adding opportunities. GOLD the metal is not going up solely because of Ukraine but is likely adding a short term premium on it and would expect a pullback on any resolution, though I don't see this ending, or ending well...... We can only pray someone near Putin takes him out for the sake of humanity and ends this unprovoked genocide. I am beyond disturbed by what's transpiring and this is already out of hand. This can turn into WW3 easily and soon, sadly I fear. I digress, GOLD the metal will have many pullbacks on it's way to $3,000, $5,000 and $10,000. That's how bad things will get. There will be a dollar crisis, a Great Depression 2 and maybe ww3 in my lifetime. Money will be the least of our problems. I suggest to keep on hand some silver and physical gold for use as money in the future. Gold miners are a highly leveraged way to play the gold run which will last for years or longer. Barrick in my opinion is the best well run gold and copper miner which pays a nice dividend. Stay away from Bitcoin and other shitcoins, they are all a SCAM!! GL Hoping for the best. I stand with Ukraine!!!!! F Putin!!!!