CFDs on Gold (US$ / OZ)

Precious Metals vs Top Cryptos Reaches Golden Cross

This custom chart of precious metals Gold and Silver versus cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Etherium (each in their respective ratios) has reached a Golden Crossing (50DMA moving above 200DMA) for the first time in over 2 years.

I've been amazed at this dynamic custom chart and the patterns that come through here. I find that it's often easier to do technical analysis on charts where traders aren't already using TA to trade. Some say it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it seems clear to me that it TA works even better in places where other people aren't really using it (which would suggest the opposite is true). But I digress...

This golden cross is BULLISH

From the looks of it, PMs may command a higher increase in value for the next 2 to 4 years.

There is an easy way to trade between cryptos and gold/silver. I prefer the Kinesis platform. The PMs that they have on blockchain are actually allocated contracts in the name of the holder. What's more is you can take delivery if you so choose, or store it and gain yields. There's 5 different ways to make yields on your metals, but you'll have to watch the videos to learn about them.

I'm not saying sell all your cryptos (none of this is financial advice btw). But it seems wise to have a plan like that in order. Or you can use the platform to set your buys and sells so you can sleep well at night knowing that when these markets move they will be working in your favor. Stay safe out there!
