CFDs on Gold (US$ / OZ)

GOLD pre-covid and post-covid

Dear Fellow Traders:

I'm glad to share a thorough study of Gold price movement to help you in your trades.

I think it is quite self-explanatory but will highlight few things.

We had a huge rally since the Covid-19 started and WHO declared it as a Pandemic. In this rally we pass the previous high (1920) by 150+ points to 2075, current ATH. Since then we have pulledback substantially due to the progress of vaccine race and the approval of the first vaccine.

Gold has been a safe haven but now that situation is improving globally, specially in the USA, UK and China mainly and Europe is on its way to a new normality, I would say that in the mid term, banks are going to keep dumping gold in benefit of other instruments.

When you look at the recovery of the USD and the rising yields in the USA, you would probably do like major banks and financial institutions and slowly remove gold from your portfolio as the appetite for risk is moving elsewhere.

My two cents. Share your thoughts.
