End of the world news N°16

By MrRenev
> Ubisoft recent game: includes evil organisation UMBRA with similar narrative & same symbol as BLM. That timing! 😂

Ubisoft, a really solid & smart company, with great user experience, that holds its promises, has great servers that work really well, treats the licenses it buys with respect and does not destroy them, has recently published a game at the best timing (need to release it for Q3).
So their game (phone game), a Tom Clancy game, 1 of the rare license that survived Ubisoft, contains a terrorist organisation called "UMBRA" that are anarchists.

The opening sequence of the game shows "peaceful protestors" setting fires and insulting and fighting police. Holding signs "power to the people". Behind the peaceful protestors there is UMBRA, that uses a black raised fist just like the BLM one. They also have some A anarchist imagery that reminds us of Antifa.
The company, that was already under fire for its corporate practices (not just towards clients but inside the company), has been called fascists and so on, even people working for them (or a branch) have run to their little keyboards to rage at Ubisoft.
I do not know if they made the game before 2020 and then just released it at the best time, or if they tried profiting of the news.

The whole situation is funny as much Ubisoft move as the angered reactions.
Some might say that if 1984 was published today it would get banned.

> Quebec & Australia to send anti-lockdown protestors & uncooperative citizens + families in concentration camps. 🤨

Who could possibly have seen this coming?
"Liberal" (LOL!) Australia & Canada (Québec) are planning to send anti-lockdown protestors & uncooperative citizens to "secret detention facilities".
I think it is safe to call those concentration camps, or gulags.
Canada is already known for their ultra-authoritative handling of the situation. Both government and companies.
A plane fight in Canada (from westjet) got cancelled because a family refused to have their 19 months kid wear a mask.
The enlightened crew got angry and tried to force them to comply because "it is the law" (no it's not).
The flight got cancelled and the sheepish passengers raged at the muslim family, shouting islamophobic slurs.

So we can assume those people are all idiotic sheep, and think this mask is good, but on a 1 year old? Doesn't sound weird? How about 1 month? Where does their tiny brain go "dring dring"? Never? Most of us learned of 20th century gulags and concentration camps and how "if it is accepted man is capable of any evil", people were skeptic. Well craziness is happening now.
When I was a teen I always thought I would not fall for it. "He thinks he knows things". "He has superiority complex".
Oh ye? Here we are. And as predicted, call me arrogant they ARE beneath me. Pfff exactly as I thought, go figure.
Just wait, in decades. In hindsight "every one will have known from the start".
Pisses me off when I see lesser plebes laugh at "stupid primitives and middle ages" thinking they are better and not knowing history gets compacted.

The corrupt politicians that are about to fall have the support of the scared sheeple. The scared sheeple that try so hard not to touch anyone and stay far away.
I wonder how many of them are aware that we are basically in constant contact with all of the cold viruses.
How do they think people that spend time alone in the cold end up sick? Santa brings the virus to them at night?
The things I could show these hypochondriacs that would scar them for life :D
Did you know we all have nightmarish looking "worms" with plenty of legs that live in our eyelashes?
Your face is full of tiny arthropodes. Think of them as tiny spiders.
Do you often feel tickles in your eyebrows and need to scratch them? (:
Oh and take my word for it: Cook your meat. Well. Especially pork (or just don't eat pork).
They do not even understand the concept of external immune defences or even just basic probabilities.

> "Green" french mayor is cancelling the town christmas tree because of "the suffering of poor little trees". A sect? 🌲

"Mass delusions". Sheep behavior. We call it "mode" in france. I think the translation is "fad" but not sure it has the exact same meaning.
So in france the greens have this long term fad and they keep pushing it further. "De la surenchère" meaning always pushing it further, always trying to be more virtuous than previously.
It really reached the ridicule stage. Euphoria.

Back in the late 1790s in France after the terror that followed the revolution, people needed to let go, and there were different fads, including the "merveilleuses", these ladies wore extravagant costumes and were inspired by pagans & ancient greeks.
They kept escalating it, and the craziest, er I mean coolest, ended up wearing full transparent dresses.
There is a famous engraving showing a blind man tearing the dress of one of these mentally stable ladies and her being shocked "oh no every one can see my behind".
That was the top of the bubble by the way. The movement started a "bear market" after the public (conservatives I guess) were outraged by the "liberal liberated" women or whatever they called them back then. Same old story.

The greens are at this stage. Even sheep have to start thinking "ok this is too much" right? As we know, with everything, "the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent", so the greens can get crazier before the bubble goes boom.
French greens at the moment are fighting to find out who is crazier, and looks like Bordeaux mayor is at the top: he cancelled the town christmas tree calling it "a dead tree" and whined about the effect man has on nature.
I'm just watching this whole circus with my imaginary 🍿.

> Anti vaxxer hating & belittling democrats: Trump promoted a covid19 vaccine, so now they are anti vaxxers too. 😉

Another big surprise kappa. Democrats, some of which have been leaked saying "we need to keep schools/the economy closed until the re-election", known for being very violent towards anti-vaccination people - some will remember how all "conspiracy theory" and "vaccine skepticism" was demanded to be banned from amazon.
Well as you'd expect Trump said he'd have a vaccine ready soon, and was positive about it so now obviously all democrats are strong anti-vaxxers.
"Oh noooes we can't have a vaccine this fast other ones took years". "Oh noes there might be secondary effects we should make sure before using it".
"It might not be safe". "Who knows what is in this vaccine".
Sounds alot like the type of narrative they worked so hard to censor.

I'm really tired of these animals. Why must Europe, EUROPE, across the Atlantic!!!, take decisions because "Trump said".
I'm not an American. I do not care what Trump said. Stop telling me how Awful Trump is. Stop taking decisions based on what Trump said.
"Trump talked positively about Chloroquine, quick let's ban it in France". "Trump is against lockdown, ok every one at home now and for the next 3 months".
"Oh its the elections in the USA again every 4 year, time for Europe to have BLM riots". "Trump farted, now farts are illegal punishable by death".
About time these babies got cut off mommy's milk and start focussing on their own countries.

Of course this election is more important to them, the outdated 1945 world order is over and these bagholders can't let go.
And it's easier to win a civil war/impose a dictatorship when you control a country nuclear arsenal, and the army but they won't have that.
Can burgerland kill each other soon? It's getting time for their regular civil war so please hurry up, and european countries can have their weaning.

> American ignorance: 20% of NY gen Z & millenials think jews organised the holocaust. 58% cannot name 1 camp. 🤤

Back a decade or two ago Europeans thought Americans were fat lazy ignorant idiots. Stereotypes are bad. Nah just kidding this is true.
Fatmericans 18 to 39 of in New York have been asked a few questions recently, and oh is it bad.
Maybe they are complete neo-nazis, but from what I saw (Mark Dice interviews, television, you know... the internet) I think they are ignorant.
2/3 of them have no clue where France or the UK is on a map. 11% cannot even locate the damn USA.
There are so many stats like this.

28 percent of respondents in New York believe it is acceptable to hold neo-Nazi views (no idea what this means), hey so maybe they're fascists and not just ignorant?

In any case you can't fight "progress", and WW2 is far from memories and slowly disappearing.
There are 2 things here:
1- Young Americans are completely ignorant, makes you wonder what is in their head. No idea what the 4rth of July is seriously?
2- The old global liberal world order that was a consequence of the traumatism of WW2 is fading away.

The USA has had a civil or major war at regular intervals, I will make an idea about it. It's way too precise to be a coincidence.
Politicians that think "nationalism" or whatever is the only way for wars/pain to happen and that globalism is the ultimate cure to everything are obviously braindead morons that learned something by heart at school and are incapable of thinking for themselves (as their pathetic handling of the coronavirus crisis has proven).

> Ethiopia is printing new magic beans replacing old ones "to fight crime". Personal request: please call it "Birr Forte". 🖨️

Ah, let's end on magic beans. Ethiopia, that have had a double digit official inflation (reality might be higher) for the most part of the last 2 decades, is printing 200 magic beans denomination bills. "For security reasons and to fight crime" lmao. "Hoarding". "Counterfeiting". "And other ills affecting the economy" Try not to laugh challenge failed.
Has nothing to do with being over-conservative, having a history of communism (74-91), huge corporate taxes and regulations, or their diversity system (the country is organised in an ethno-federal fashion), having one of the lowest economic freedom indexes, being in the bottom of the list of countries where to build a business, oh and making it straight up illegal for foreigners to do anything involving money (banking, insurance, investing...). Not exactly an "open society" as George would say.

What is interesting about this is that the population only has 3 months to replace their ponzi pieces of paper with new ponzi pieces of paper.

In today anti-racist world I feel bad mentionning this country. Why? Because of 1 fact I doubt 99.9999% of americans know: the word comes from ancient greeks. "Ethiops" (how it sounds not how it is written) means "burn faces" (because of dark skin).
We should cancel this country for having a racist name.

Here is the chart of their wonderful currency. Few countries are poorer & have a worse HDI than them. They used to be at the very bottom I think, but now they got a solid dozen countries that are even worse.


Other countries & history keeps showing every one how too much communism, too much conservatism, too much liberalism, too much pumping stocks even, and so on, is bad.
But hey, those small heads don't have the space to contain Miley Cirus lyrics AND all these complicated facts.
It's not every new generation (10-20Y) but every new GENERATION (50-100Y) goes through the same thing it seems.
And new kids (generation 10-20Y) repeat the exact same things as the kids before. It never ends. They were just born and have no clue but sure, they know everything, and have no hindsight bias at all.
And add to this clowns think "liberalism" actually means liberalism... And that's far from the stupidest thing they believe.
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