Alphabet:GOOG Long term and short term targets

By sumastardon
Google goes on and on, creating a wide pair of parallels as it
pushes relentlessly onwards. Only the Regulators can stop
them. If Bitcoin's your favourite girlfriend, Google is your
mum, (or should be, with Facebook as dad).
Looks like Alphabet should push higher towards 1075 where
the upper parallel waits to repel it., or at least halt its
advance for a while - and what's good for Google is good for
world markets usually. (Nasdaq, next comment, is poised to
rocket 280 points provided it opens up and moves higher from
the open, as looks likely at moment, barring disasters
between now and Monday open).
Over the longer term, in a year's time, Alphabet should be
trading between 1450 and 1500, slowly grinding ever higher,
and likely still within the long term controlling parallels shown
on the chart. Stops for long term holders can be raised
to just below 950
alphabetANDChart PatternsLONGshorttargetTERMTrend AnalysisupdateWave Analysis
