My analysis is that if there are a core of companies capable of weathering out a recession that Google is among

them with its search engine and cloud services at the core of its services.

On the weekly chart, Google like others had an uptrend after the COVID crash of March 2020 until last winter.

Right now, a downtrend is retracing the uptrend of April 2020 through November 2021.

I see the downward trend now ending as the retracement is about 50% into the mid-Fibonacci levels.

In the context of the MACD indicator showing low momentum and the K / D lines below the

histogram, I see a reversal setup to the long upside.

My analysis supports GOOG in a swing long setup now ready for entry.
cloudFibonacciFibonacci RetracementGoogle (Alphabet)macdconvergenceTrend Analysis
