By NaughtyPines
Here, I'm just trying to suck in a little bit of premium without being all in on the stock ... . (Filled for a .64 ($64)/contract credit).

As usual, I'm selling the strike nearest 30 delta.

I'm fine with getting assigned at 13 (after which I'd proceed to sell calls against), but would naturally prefer cheaper, so will keep an eye out for opportunities to roll down and out for credit and duration if I get a shot at it. Naturally, the Oct 21st expiry is around earnings, so that's something I'll have to keep in mind ... .

Price appears to be slumping into my short put. I'm naturally keeping an eye on it and will look to roll down and out when the value of the credit for the option is equal to twice what I got for it ... . Otherwise, no touchee. Of course, I want to be put the stock for as cheap as I can get it.
Rolled Oct 21st 13 short put to Oct 28th 12.5 short put for a .05 ($5 debit). If I'm going to get put this bugger, I want to start out with price being as close to my short put strike as possible. I looked at rolling it down and out to a 12 strike, but would have had to roll it out too far in time or pay a larger debit than I would like for strike improvement.
Trade closed manually
Covering this today for a .34 ($34)/contract debit; net profit: $20 and change per contract. My original intention was to either keep the entire premium and/or get put the stock at 12.5, but I want to flatten out a bit here in October, since I have jury duty the entire month (ugh) and may not have time to watch it.
GoPro (GPRO)nakedshortputoptionsstrategy
