#dax - Last Time Five Figures #dax30 #grxeur

By StefanBode
A last high would be possible before the light is turned off. But I am already short.

If the economy is not successively boosted next week, the DAX will not recover this DECADE!!!

Then it really doesn't matter whether 0.37 percent (German Heinsberg study) or 1.98 percent of those infected with corona (Bill Gates sponsored Johns Hopkins projection) die, because then the economic system is threatened with collapse and the mortality of the entire population increases and the life expectancy of the whole people decreases, because there is no longer any security of supply.

It must be prevented with all forces the agenda of Bill Gates & Co. that the world population is reduced by his personal desired goal of 10-15 percent. That is genocide with an announcement (Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, MaoTseTung,... send greetings) and later humanity will be able to reduce its population with its vaccinations as in India, Kenya, Mexico, Tanzania, Cameroon, ... with paralysis, infertility or even death.
But hey, with ID2020 you will have the proof that you are vaccinated and then you can still participate in the economic life with your implanted digital account.

These are sick people and these sick people have to be stopped, because they want to implement the Revelation of John 13:16-18!

"16 The small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves, all of them were forced to have a mark placed on their right hand or forehead. 17 Only those who carried the mark could buy or sell: the name of the beast or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. They who has understanding, calculate the numerical value of the beast. For it is the number of a man's name; his number is six hundred sixtysix.
Chart PatternsDAX Indexdax30daxtraderdaxtradingGRXEURTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
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