HBAR / BTC - A Return to Bottom & Potential Double Bottom

By dudebruhwhoa
HBAR's BTC pair has returned to bottom, just a few satoshis away from its all time low of 114-115. This is either an incredible buying opportunity, similar to ltc or eth in 2016-2017, or.. we break through our strongest resistance and head to new lows and price discovery.

The USD pair is not back to bottom and has been forming a giant W pattern. I'm expecting this to move within the next month give or take a week, RSI has been bottomed out for a long time now, and volume has been nonexistent. Even a small bump in volume can create a pretty insane move.

That said, a massive pump from BTC can utterly destroy the BTC pair here and still cause gains in USD, so be cautious.
Possibly one final buying opportunity here between 91-114 sats before HBAR pulls an incredible move.

Alternatively, people exit this for the majors and we find a new bottom, be careful.
Double Top or BottomhbarHBARBTC
