
This could be the absolute perfect time to buy hex

This coin is the number 3 coin. Many people don't know this because they use the manipulated website coin market cap, which is owned by binance. Binance is threatened by coins like hex that don't use middle men and can't be shorted. Use nomics.com for true rankings. Hex coin is built on the delayed gratification model. The longer you stake the higher your rewards. You can stake this coin for a maximum of 15 years!! We are in a bull flag and I believe we are close to the bottom if it's not already in. Hex creator Richard heart is launching Pulse Chain very soon which will eliminate eth fees for buying and staking hex. There is tons of fud about hex being a scam and it is all mis information from the players that are threatened by hex. Don't miss this one. When pulse chain is created you get copies on pulse chain of the hex you buy on eth chain and copies of other coins you already own on the eth network. It's the biggest air drop in crypto history that no one will tell you about.
BULL-FLAGChart PatternsFundamental AnalysisHEXTrend Analysis
