Using my previous prediction, now it has been reached to 1.618 of CD (23712) (XABCD Pattern)
Completion of this cycle.
Now I use the AB=CD pattern to predict point D first
If AB=CD , point D = 23556 (Already reached) = 1.272CD
If CD = 1.272AB, Point D = 23667 (Already reached)
If CD = 1.618AB, Point D = 23807 (Possibly) (23807- 23712=95 PTS)
If CD = 2.000AB, Point D = 23967 (255 PTS not pretty much and become dangerous)
Look at the channel, now are in the top of the up-trend (pitch-fork)
I still do not confirm whether this Impulsive leg is completed, and wait for retracement at least 0.382 first.