The stock has been attempting -so far, successfully- to build a support base at $150. Against all odds, it was up on reasonable volume on Friday, bucking the trend of the Tech sector and the general market. A possible explanation would be investors looking for value in Tech, as they take profits after the formidable run of the FANGs and Co. IBM, the battered candidate looks like an ideal target. At the 154.10 close, Friday's move stopped a hair short of the 154.20 breakout level. While we start to warm up to IBM after Friday's move, we would like to see it close above 154.26 before we take action, and recommend to stay on the sidelines for now. For those eager, itchy trading fingers, the following near-zero-cost-options strategy provides a sensible risk/reward at virtually no cost:
1. Buy the Jan'18 $165 call (7% OTM) = 3.50/Share
2. Sell the Jan'18 $135 put (-12.4% OTM) = 3.35/Share
CONCLUSION: At 0.15/Share (10bp or the equivalent of a very low trading commission), buy yourself any potential upside in the shares, or the possibility of going long the stock 12.4% lower, until Jan next year.