ICP Investment Opportunity

The best way to make money in crypto, is to buy good projects early on in launch, and hold for 10 years. Zero trading, buying and not selling.
Here we have an innovative brand new project, which claims to be on par with the advent of Bitcoin and Ethereum, as far as it’s innovation in t crypto space, that has just dropped 90% and may drop further to $16 which would be a 97% dip. It’s a great time to buy, and hold this asset for 10 years.
This is the point of maximum financial opportunity. From a technical point of view, Trend Based Fibonacci reveals that there is a support level at ~$16. Not wise to wait to buy as we cannot time the market most likely, and we do not want to miss the chance to buy this bottom. Price may dip lower however and it’s possible to Dollar Cost Average in, to get a better price, without trying to time the exact bottom. Good luck and kudos to whoever sees the gold in this opportunity and takes it, and wisely holds for the next decade.
Fundamental AnalysisTrend Analysis
